Department of Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering


     ITUMF is one of the youngest faculty in İTU and was founded in 1992. Maritime Faculty is continuation of High Maritime School which was founded in 1884. Maritime Faculty maintains education activities on Bsc/Msc/Phd levels in 52 independent buildings on a 70.000 m2 residential area where has a 400 m length Marmara Sea coast line.

In the department; Ship Efficiency Safety and Human Factors, Maritime Law Policies and Maritime Economy Management, Maritime Cognitive Ergonomics, Marine Remote Sensing, Industrial Marine Research Design and Implementation, Sea Traffic Management and Maritime Simulators, Advanced Research & Innovative Applications (ARIA) and Ship Machinery Energy Efficiency workgroups are available.

English and uniform training is given in the department. Graduate degree of ITU and the oldest academic institutions in the United States called New York State University Maritime Faculty (SUNYMF)  are carried out together as Dual Degree Program (DDP). DDP Graduates are able to reach an attractive career with the current business conditions with their double degree  and worldwide diplomas. DDP students take an Open Sea Education for 2 months in each 1. and 2. summer semesters with SUNYMC Training Ship. 3rd and 4th grade are completed at ITU Maritime Faculty and includes training in national and international commercial ships.

Graduates can have middle and senior management career in national and international fleet or in the shipping companies. They can also work as an oceangoing master or  harbour pilot with taking the examinations conducted by public institutions.